Saturday, May 7, 2011

My time in Kuwait

I left Kuwait in May of 2010 with so many "firsts" and "new experiences" that I am forever changed and so glad for that change! I will be posting some reflections and after thoughts now that some time has past. I have been able to fully absorb my experiences, compare & contrast to the prior self, and experience stateside life now with my new perspective. Travel is truly the cure for ignorance. Thank you Mark Twain.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Self Medicating

Here in Kuwait you can go to the pharmacy directly and tell them what is wrong, and they give you drugs. Through some recommendations from friends I have some very good stuff. I woke up this morning with a stiff neck. I have a back neck, losing the curve in it. So when I was giving myself a pedicure, it strained my neck looking forward and down for so long. And I have cramps, my period started. So I went to the bathroom and rubbed Fastum gel on my neck, shoulders, forehead, belly, and lower back. It's an anti-inflammatory. And now I am about to drink a glass with a dispersible tablet of Rofenac-D, another anti-inflammatory, analgesic. In about 10 to 15 minutes I should feel like the birds are singing and everything is right with the world.

a High Maintenance evening

I gave myself a pedicure and buffed my nails to high shine with a Sephora professional nail buffer. I highly recommend it for a natural shine. No polish required, so no nail polish to chip and look bad. Maintenance should be efficient and productive. Unlike nail polish which require too much time and attention for a limited time return. I talked to my Mom to tell her I was ok since I hadn't called in a while. I had some nutello by the spoonful. I don't know if they have nutello in the states - it's like chocolate icing and hazelnut spread. Yummm! And then I chatted on-line with 2 friends. One in the states and one in Iraq. And now I am listening to Prince's Sexy M.F. on my playlist. Yes I am.

overdue posting

Oh wow, I can't believe it's a month since I posted. I still have not recieved my civil ID which I need to buy a post paid phone plan that would include internet on my phone. Therefore I have not been able to post on the go. I am really frustrated not having my ID or my driver's license. After 5 months it's getting really old. I have lots to write about.
In brief - I broke up with my boyfriend, I was moved to a better job, I have a cool new boss and coworkers, I am moving soon to a nicer apartment, and I am working on a project to get a job in an awesome country that has nothing to do with the Middle East. Some things are still the same - the weather is weird, it's hot during the day, too many people here are retarded, my roommate is crazy, the uniform irritates me, the call to pray goes off at all hours and wakes me up, ...
to top it all off, the laundry service in the buidling talked to the building owner and the delivery laundry service is no longer allowed in the building. I finally found a service that I liked, that picked up and delivered, and now they are banned from entering the buidling. I had to carry my laundry down stairs, well, down the elevator. Where's the freedom of market? Consumer's choice? Oh right, this isn't a democracy.
I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning. Then I'll be back to update you all on my coming and goings of High Maintenance.

Monday, September 7, 2009


everything is the same as 2 Sept. Just add more good food, a awesome pair of shoes, a little Saturday morning antiquing...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ha Ha!

Work is going well; as well as any circus. But that is an insult to any well organized, constantly on the go, happy to be there circus (not including ones with animals but I digress). I still have 3 supervisors fighting over me but at least I am getting my computer access. They can toss me around me around like a beach ball as long as I am going from office to office and out of the sun!!! I am permanent admin as of Sunday. I told myself that I just had to survive August and it would get better from there. And Vwallah! It's happening.
For all of you concerned about my health - worry no more. I am eating sprouted bean seeds, carrots, celery, and other raw fruit and vegetables. Full steam ahead in the health department. I am going to start working out a little again.
time for bed, buenos noches.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

High Maintenance "HM"

HM does not like her new high maintenance phone because she hasn't figured out how to use it yet.
HM does not like her yappy roommate talking on the phone in her room right now ruining the classical music playing on WCPE.
HM does not like the hot dirty wind blowing in from the desert filling her lungs with dust, germs, bugs, pollen, garbage, animal carcass, and poop from the hundreds of years of things living and dying in this hell hole.
HM doesn't like the photo she took today for her new ID after sucking in truck exhaust fumes all day while she controlled her post.
HM does not like sitting in this hard chair every day and using her computer. Wishes she had a computer desk.
HM doesn't like the fact that her friend left without selling her his computer desk that she said she liked.
HM doesn't like it when all the nails break but one and now she has to cut it.
HM doesnt' like the shallow wide bowls for eating her cereal because it's too easy to spill the soy milk all over her robe and the floor.
HM doesn't like sitting in this flannel robe because it leaves railroad track marks on her butt.
HM doesn't like the constant prayers over the loud speaker during ramandan.
And that was just today....