Tuesday, June 2, 2009

dirty dirty dirty

the spell check isn't working... please forgive any errors, I'm on a moving bus at 4am and working on 6 hours sleep which is actually a decent amount of time.
I didn't write on the way home from work yesterday because I was covered in sand and grime. I didn't want to get my computer gunkified. I think I pretty much need to plan on using things that I don't want a year from now because the conditions here are so harsh. I back up my computer once or twice a week on an external hard drive. I can see the dust sitting on the vents and it freaks me out. I love my laptop. My one true love in my life right now! ha-ha
So I need to add hand wipes and that little bottle of spray air for cleaning computers to my shopping list.
So what has been hard to get used to? The dirt, sand, and sand dust - everywhere.
The first morning here we got up at 2am and departed at 2:45am for work. The wind was strong and the sand was blowing around. I have now learned that if it is sandy in the city than there is a sand storm in the dessert. Realize of course there is nothing between the dessert and the "city". There are no tree groves, no hills, no walls, or barriers of any kind. So we were on the highway to work and we could only see 20 or 30 feet in any direction. The sargeant in charge pulled over and we had to wait on the side of the road for about 30 minutes. It eased up eventually but the whole day was hellatious. Sand in your hair, ears, nose, eyes, the seams of your clothes. But when all that sand blows around, it breaks down into sand dust. That gets even more places. Inside your house the dust covers everything. It's just like the black soot in Florida or California, or the pollen in North Carolina, or the coal used to be in Pennslyvania. The workers in the buidling are constantly hosing and squeegi-ing the common areas and the stair wells. I thought what a waste of time, it will blow away. Kind of like how the leaves in the fall eventually blow away and dissintegrate. But no, this is the sand's home, we abide in it's domain, it's not going any where unless we make move.

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