Monday, June 22, 2009

Kuwaiti Krud

Apparently Kuwaiti Krud is the unofficial name of the diarrhea I had for 2 weeks. One of my coworkers is a former soldier that deployed in Iraq. He says that there are 32 microorganisms in the air here that we don’t have in the United States. When the sand blows for a sand storm or dust storm, it stirs up all the micro critters and we breathe them in. So almost everybody goes through some type of adjustment, even if they don’t drink the water, eat shwarma, or otherwise risk their health on the local economy. When the military comes home from the Middle East, every single piece of equipment has to go through the wash racks. I have heard second hand stories about people getting really mad about the assholes at the wash rack making them do it again. If this microorganism theory is true, I can understand the wash rack inspectors being tough. I haven’t researched the microorganisms. I like saying Kuwaiti Krud too much to bother digging up the truth. For once, I don’t have OCD about researching something. Kuwaiti Krud…… Krud…. aigh aigh hee hee (make a sound like beavis and butthead)

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