Thursday, June 18, 2009

I hate sand, always have, always will

You know I'm not a beach person, don't like sand in my toes, grit of any kind.... We've had 4 days of sand storms. I've never seen it rain mud. We get a few drops and they are filled with sand. It leaves mud that dries instantly. Because it was mud, it doesn't blow away, it somehow is more permanent than sand. The windows are covered. It's nasty. I hate sand.
on a side note, I have strange little red dots on my feet. hmmm.... something new everyday. I'm going to guess sweat blisters. I've been rubbing bag balm on my feet before bed to prevent swamp feet. I hope the blisters clear up, at least not itch, so I can sleep!
good night. need to shower and get my 6 hours sleep.


  1. Are the red dots from sand fleas?
    Try rinsing with Listerine before showering.

  2. I also get little dots that are fluid filled cysts on my fingers and feet from a type of ezcema. I think the dots are from sweat, bacteria and the ezcema. I have been applying bag balm everynight to my hands and feet and the dots are clearing up. thanks for the tip though. I'll keep an eye out for fleas.
