Sunday, June 7, 2009

omg I have to go to work

Today is my first full day on the night shift. We've worked a few 11 hour days before but I am anxious today. Did I get enough sleep, did I get up early enough, do I have all my equipment ready to go, what was I supposed to do at the cleaners today?, .... I did a lot of running around this weekend and not much preparation. But it's the same thing everyday. Same pair of pants, shirt, socks, shirt, bag, same protein bar, same apple, same pear, what I am freaking about? Ack, a little preparation would have been good. But there are some things here you can't control. Like what time of day the english speaking guy is at the cleaners because even though I went twice, he wasn't there either time. Or how long it takes the cabs to come get you and it takes hours to go anywhere. I really should have gone to the grocery store last night on the way home. My food supply is low and we only get one trip to the dining facility on shift. Unlike training where we usually had 2 trips - breakfast and lunch. I also can't control when my roommates use the washer. One of them turned on the water heater and it was on max. I don't think either one of them know to adjust it, so I turned it down. The water comes out of the faucet slighter hotter than luke warm. We don't need to heat the water people! Because at the end of the shower, you could turn the handle from cold (which is luke warm) to hot and get about 10 seconds of cold water from the pipes from the hot water heater before the water got hot again. It was just enough to feel refreshed. And the paper towels are all gone, and my first roommate "cleaned up" one day last week and threw out the napkins I had saved from the restaurants. She's a real treat.
ok, all I need to do in the 1.5 hours is shower, eat a pear, pack my bag, and get dressed, maybe stop at the cleaners down stairs. I should be able to do that in 1.5 hours. And work shouldn't be too rough. I keep forgetting I've got an easy job. I keep forgetting I have a job. It's time to stop running so much and learn to be at home here. Take care of business and remember my purpose for coming - to make money, not spend it all on sushi and sheesha. I am sure things will settle into a routine this week. Up until now my schedule changed daily and that is very unsettling. I wish I knew how to spell discombobulating. That word correctly expresses my feeling right now.
the spell check is still not working. I don't know, something about java script...

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